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By definition. By necessity. By obsession. Construction and design are inventions and reflections of the human experience. Relentless research and exploration are requirements  to bettering ones skills, and mastering the craft. Here's what we're diving into over at Drawn Home:

Learning the Trade

There's visiting a job site, and then there's donning your boots and bags and getting to work. The work. The Greeks used the term Arki Tekton, or "Master Builder." Today we use the word Architect. However the professional pedigree to assume this licensed title requires no construction experience in the United States. Ignoring that irony, the job site has been the best classroom we've ever stepped foot in.


Natural Building 

Let's sidestep the greenwashed pay-to-win design certifications and get real about sustainability. Construction of new buildings has been nearly carbon neutral for most of human history. The problems we created by mass-producing housing from wood products, plastics, and concrete can't be fixed through efficiencies alone. However, if we have the balls to drop stick-framing and all of its related practices, we can (and already have) built stronger, cheaper, and more resilient buildings that are carbon negative from day one.  

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Engineering & Performance

In school, the architecture students were siloed with the other artists and designers, far from the engineers and building scientists upon which we rely. The study of these sciences allows for advanced building performance analysis, with smarter design and construction practices.

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